Episode 42 – The Writer’s Toolbox – A Writing Tribe


Episode 42 – The Writer’s Toolbox – A Writing Tribe

In this episode, Pete and Laura take another delve into The Writer’s Toolbox and add the tool of a Writing Tribe to the toolbox.

Writing can feel lonely. Not just the act of tapping away at the keys, but losing yourself in your work and wondering if another pair of eyes will ever read it. 

Creating a writing tribe can be a wonderful way to find motivation, encouragement, accountability, and community. That’s why this week we are adding the tool of the writing tribe to our writer’s toolbox.

What Is A Writing Tribe?

A writing tribe is simply a writing community. It’s a group of like-minded people, a group of writers that support each other, a group of friends or professionals with something in common – writing. 

It’s important to note that a writing tribe can look different to different people. 

A writing tribe can also offer motivation and accountability. 

Where Do We Find A Writing Tribe?

  • Join a course or a workshop.

  • Join a Facebook group.

  • Start a book club!

  • Start a writing circle with friends.

How can Derbyshire Writing School help?

The 3% Club – Online Writing Community.  We offer group programmes, like our 3% Club, to help you meet other writers and network. 

Our Time to Write online programme can also help you to feel part of a writing tribe. We believe in you and your story, so keep going!

We’d love to know how you got on with the tool of a writer’s tribe. Use the email below and tell us how you have used this tool in your writing. 

We want to hear from you! info@derbyshirewritingschool.com

Send us a voice message - through Speakpipe.

Thanks for listening!


Episode 43 - The Writer’s Toolbox - The Tool of NaNoWriMo.


Episode 41 - Guest Interview - Chris Gregory - How To Write Audio Drama