Episode 41 - Guest Interview - Chris Gregory - How To Write Audio Drama


Episode 41 - Guest Interview - Chris Gregory - How To Write Audio Drama

Chris Gregory is the founder of the Alternative Stories and Fake Realities Podcast which produces audio drama, fiction and poetry podcasts. 

Chris works with a team of professional actors; and the podcast aims to provide opportunities for writers to hear their work professionally produced and shared with the podcast’s global audience.

Alternative Stories have provided content to BBC and North American Radio stations, represented the UK at the International Radio Drama Festival for the past two years and nominated for many Audio Verse Awards (for podcast drama) as well as nominated for Best Arts Podcast in this year's Discover Pods awards.

Chris also runs workshops on writing for audio drama and many aspects of recording, performance and podcasting for writers and publishers. His 4 part audio drama "Anglia" appeared on Alternative Stories.

Pete and Laura ask Chris:-

  • How did your journey into writing begin?

  • What is it about audio drama that captured your creative imagination enough to bring it to a wider audience through your podcast?

  • What are three differences between writing for audio rather than writing a novel or a short story?

  • What advice would you give to someone who wanted to write an audio drama? How should they get started?

  • How do you capture a listeners’ attention through an audio drama?

  • ‘There’s never been a better time to make audio drama.’ Why is that?

  • How do you see the future of audio drama being opened up to creatives to record and develop their own storytelling and online platform?

Where to find the - Alternative Stories Podcast

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Episode 42 – The Writer’s Toolbox – A Writing Tribe


Episode 40- Guest Interview - The Derbyshire poet - Karey Lucas-Hughes.