Episode 43 - The Writer’s Toolbox - The Tool of NaNoWriMo.


Episode 43 - The Writer’s Toolbox  - The Tool of NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month.

It started back in 1999 in the States and has grown into a vast community. It’s a non-profit organisation, with the sole aim of helping you to tell your story. The challenge is to write 1,700 words a day, every day for a month. 

There are a few rules:

  • Only words you write in November count.

  • One author writes the words.

  • You must write fiction.

Should You Take Part In NaNoWriMo?

Writing a novel in a month might not be for everyone. But, there are lots of benefits for taking part and saying ‘yes’ to the challenge!

Our Top Tips for A Successful NaNoWriMo

1. Plan your story.

2. Plan your writing routine.

3. Ask friends to help keep you accountable.

4. Track your progress!

Some fantastic books have been born during NaNoWriMo. The most famous is Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. It became a film with Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson! You can check out some more great NaNoWriMo novels in this article, too.

We’d love to know if you will join NaNoWriMo in 2021 - Send us a message now!

Send us a voice message - through Speakpipe.

Thanks for listening!

email: Info@Derbyshirewritingschool.com


Episode 44 - How To Write Crime Mystery Fiction - Guest Interview Tom Mead


Episode 42 – The Writer’s Toolbox – A Writing Tribe