Episode 46 - Where Do Ideas Come From?


THE WRITERS’ ROOM - Where Do Ideas Come From?

Where do ideas come from? Do find you have a never-ending supply of creativity coursing through your mind? Or do you struggle to find inspiration?

In this episode, Pete and Laura chat about creativity – where they find ideas spark and how they develop those ideas. They also ask, can we have too many ideas?

Where to look for ideas?

  • Go on an Artist Date.

  • Get a writer’s journal and update with something every day.

  • Write 10 ideas a day for 5 days.

PERSONAL PROJECTS – In this section, we share what we’ve been working on. 

Pete and Laura discuss the week’s activities – Laura is working on the second Everyday Storytellers book. Pete mentions the discovery of the new writing and formatting software Atticus. 

Recommended Product of the Week – Audible

Laura and Pete have benefited from having an audiobook subscription with Audible.

Not tried ‘reading’ the latest books while out walking or doing a job around the house? Then try Audible for 30 days free by using our affiliate link - Audible - Derbyshire Writing School. Not only will you have time to hear a book for free, but by using our link, it helps support the work of Derbyshire Writing School. Thanks!

BOOKS WE ARE READING AND RECOMMEND – What books are we reading this week?

Laura is recommending - Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon. 

“Where do you get your ideas?” The honest artist answers, “I steal them.” ― Austin Kleon

Pete is reading – Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Virtual Worlds - The Impact of Converging Technologies On Authors and the Publishing Industry by Joanna Penn.

WHAT’S HAPPENING AT DERBYSHIRE WRITING SCHOOL THIS WEEK? - How are we building the business this week?

This week Laura shared a new project she working on: Get ready for - The 12 Days of Journaling!

Christmas Comes Early for Pippa - The Office Dog!

We want to hear from you! info@derbyshirewritingschool.com

Send us a voice message.

Thanks for listening!


Episode 47 – The Writer's Toolbox – The Tool of Creativity


Episode 45 - Who Else Thinks Technology Can Hinder Or Help Our Writing?