Episode 54 - The Writer’s Toolbox - The Tool of A Newsletter

The Writer’s Toolbox   The Tool of A Newsletter

Episode 53 - The Writer’s Toolbox - The Tool of Writing A Newsletter

In this episode, Pete and Laura chat about the tool of writing a newsletter.

It’s easy to get your words published and have some engaging content of yours out into the world in a few minutes. It might just look a little different from what you’ve imagined.

Starting a free newsletter on Substack gives you three powerful reasons to help you grow as a writer and builds the tools you have as a writer.

In this episode, Pete and Laura ask:

  • Why write a regular newsletter?

  • Why is finding your niche critical?

  • How often should you write your newsletter?

  • What does writing a newsletter have to do with being an author?

  • Why should I consider using Substack?

Pete's newsletter on Substack is - The Art of Memorialising

If you’d like to join our newsletter, we’d love to write to you once a month with free resources and writing tips. Join here

Writing a newsletter is a great way to practise publishing your writing frequently, promote your online portfolio, and build your email subscriber list.

Writing a newsletter isn’t a one-time thing. It takes time and effort to grow your newsletter, so don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results.

Hit the publish button! We know you may fear putting your work into the world, but take courage and begin.

We’d love to hear if you’ve started an email list. Please let us know at info@derbyshirewritingschool.com.


Episode 55 - The Writer's Toolbox - The Tool of Writing Sprints


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