Episode 58 - The Writer's Toolbox - How To Develop The Tool of a Writing Habit


Episode 58 - The Writer's Toolbox - How To Develop The Tool of a Writing Habit

 Everyone is different and has different writing goals and values!

Gretchen Wilson says it well ...

We won’t make ourselves more creative and productive by copying other people’s habits, even the habits of geniuses. We must know our own nature and what habits serve us best.

So, What Is A Writing Habit?  

A habit is something you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you’re doing it. So, it almost becomes a part of who you are. When we talk about a writing habit, this could be our regular writing routine, or our process, or practice, but it could also be things like a daily word count. 

 Why Do You Need A Writing Habit?

  • You will become a better writer.

  • You will feel less pressure and anxiety about your writing goals.

  • You will feel more in control.

  • You will become more productive as you build momentum within your work.

  • You get to call yourself a writer when you write.

Developing a writing habit makes you a writer. This will also help you develop a writing mindset.

Four Ways How You Can Develop Writing Habits

#1 You need goals and targets

#2 Understand how habits are formed

For example, in his book Atomic Habits, James Clear states the best way to develop a new habit is to make the task as easy as possible. Someone can also form habits quickly if we stack them together. He calls this habit stackingYou can read more about habit stacking here.

#3 Embrace the power of marginal gains

#4 Be kind to yourself     

Consistency is the most powerful tool you possess to help you develop a writing habit. If you want to develop a writing habit, it’s much better to write a small amount of words or for a minimal amount of time regularly, rather than enormous amounts intermittently. 

However, find your own way, and pick out the habits that will be best for you. We’d love to know how you get on with developing writing habits. Please get in touch and let us know!

Email us at info@ derbyshirewritingschool.com


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