Learn & Grow
No matter where you are on your creative writing journey, we can help you build your knowledge and grow your creativity. Updated weekly, our blog will inspire and support you with tips & tricks and useful resources.
How Can We Add Creative Courage To Our Writer’s Toolbox?
As writers, we constantly have the chance to demonstrate courage.
Not only do we get to experience it within a personal sphere, but we can practise creative courage too. But how exactly is this done?
25 Quick Fire Fun Festive Writing Prompts
Our festive Christmas writing prompts are a mixture of life writing, fiction prompts, and questions.
These will help you ponder your writing goals and even develop your writing habits. Spend five minutes a day or an hour each evening and start the Christmas countdown with a burst of creativity on us.
Help! What Is Journaling And How Do I Start Now?
Journaling has been around for years, its popularity seems to have increased recently, especially during the pandemic, as we’ve all taken the time to reflect.
But what exactly is journaling? And how do you do it?
Here's Why You Need A Supportive Writing Tribe
Writing can feel lonely.
Not just the act of tapping away at the keys, but the process of losing yourself in your work and wondering if it will ever be read by another pair of eyes. If the hours you’ve spent will feel ‘worth it’. But it doesn’t have to be this way.