Learn & Grow
No matter where you are on your creative writing journey, we can help you build your knowledge and grow your creativity. Updated weekly, our blog will inspire and support you with tips & tricks and useful resources.

Where Do The Best Ideas Actually Come From?
The best way to answer this question is with one word: everywhere. Inspiration and ideas can strike at any time from anywhere. One of the best ways to generate ideas for stories is to jot down anything that strikes you
This week on the Derbyshire Writing School, Blog Lauren has been exploring where her ideas come from and what inspires her to write, perhaps these tools can help you on your writing journey too.

Why You Should Love Your Thesaurus (but not too much)
The secret to using ‘said’ effectively is by using it sparingly.
The problem with this is that when you are writing a long piece of work, it becomes increasingly harder to hide it. This is when you may reach for your thesaurus. But beware, this may prove to be your downfall.

Here’s Why It’s Absolutely Essential For A Writer To Rest
Talking about rest as a writer can feel tricky. It stirs up lots of emotions about self-worth, productivity and output.
Often, we associate our worth with what we produce, and we tie up our success in how much we have achieved. This can be dangerous, as it can mean we don’t rest when we should. We can feel like we are not allowed to rest. But rest is absolutely essential.

This Is Why Getting To Know Our Characters Is Hugely Important
Characters are one of the most important creative writing topics. They’re a crucial element of so many stories.
Without them, how do we follow the story? Who, or what, do we root for? Where would our emotional connection to the story come from? They’re the heart and soul of creative writing.