Learn & Grow
No matter where you are on your creative writing journey, we can help you build your knowledge and grow your creativity. Updated weekly, our blog will inspire and support you with tips & tricks and useful resources.
Four Inspiring Artist Dates You Can Take Around Derbyshire
Essentially, artist dates are about taking a break to get back in touch with your creativity
Julia Cameron, a teacher of creative writing in America describes the artist date is ‘a once weekly solo expedition to explore something that enchants you or interests you.’
How To Give Your Characters Unique And Compelling Voices
A strong and individual character voice is one of the most important parts to making a character stand out in a story.
They should think in their own ways, for their own reasons, to meet their own goals. Characters with the most powerful voices may even make a reader feel like they truly know them, giving them an attachment to your story which will keep them reading. Here’s how you can create a compelling character voice…
Here’s Why Narrative Voice Is Hugely Important To Our Stories
Who’s telling your story?
One of the most crucial parts of our stories is the narrative voice. Narrative voice is the perspective your story is told from. It’s the eyes your reader sees the story through. This could be through a character’s eyes, or it could be a narrator telling the story.
5 Idea Inducing Books To Boost Your Creativity
It’s important to explore books that will boost your creativity and develop your imagination.
We have listed some of our favourite books about creativity here at Derbyshire Writing School. It’s so important to keep reading for ideas. Keep looking for more fuel to fill your creative well. Find authors that make you feel excited, empowered and motivated. The best books about creativity will make you feel full, ready to bring your own ideas on to the page.