Learn & Grow
No matter where you are on your creative writing journey, we can help you build your knowledge and grow your creativity. Updated weekly, our blog will inspire and support you with tips & tricks and useful resources.

8 Noble Truths About Writing
In this post, we're going to share 8 noble truths we have learned about writing.
The following list is based on our experiences, and we hope you find it useful. We have learned about writing through trial and error, through reading, and through talking with other writers.

How To Write Fast
Getting a first draft down as quick as possible can help you achieve your writing goals, but it can seem pretty impossible. Do you want to write faster, more efficiently and with fewer errors?
If so, the answer is simple: add the tool of writing in sprints to your writer’s toolbox. Let’s dive into this topic and tell you more about how you can add the tool of writing sprints to your writer’s toolbox.

3 Powerful Reasons You Should Start Writing A Newsletter Today
The truth is, it’s easy to get your words published and have some engaging content of yours out into the world in a few minutes.
It might just look a little different from what you’ve imagined. How? Start a newsletter for free.

9 Reasons Why Writers Might Hate Or Absolutely Love Libraries
Libraries can polarise writers. It can be love, hate and anything in between. Where do you stand? Celebrating National Libraries Week - this post explores if the theme ‘Your Passport to Reading’ helps or harm writers. Derbyshire County Council Libraries can offer so many wonderful resources. Find out where your local Derbyshire County Council Library is and what you can find there.