5 Amazing Books That Will Improve Your Writing

5 Amazing Books That Will Improve Your Writing.png

Reading like a writer is important, it helps us understand the structure, pace, and voice – all through absorbing the stories we read. We can examine and deconstruct the work of others in a way that allows us to improve our own writing.

Some books are best just enjoyed, but others need to investigate what is happening on the page and why certain sentences move us. ‘Why does this book make feel strongly about a certain character’ for example?

To read like a writer is an active task - Collect and Reflect. Collect ideas and skills. Reflect on the words you’ve read and how they made you feel.

It’s also important to explore craft books and understand the skills and challenges involved in writing. Learning from the great writers and storytellers that have come before us can be a great way to develop our writing.

We have listed some of our favourite books about writing here at Derbyshire Writing School. Whilst it’s hard to make a shortlist, as we love so many craft books, these books will be sure to help improve your writing. Covering ideas, structure, grammar and style, there is a book in this list for wherever you are on your writing journey and if you are writing non-fiction or fiction.

Our Top 5 Books To Help Improve Your Writing

1. Plot & Structure: Techniques and Exercises for Crafting a Plot that Grips Readers from Start to Finish – James Scott Bell  

“How does plot influence story structure? What's the difference between plotting for commercial and literary fiction? How do you revise a plot or structure that's gone off course?

With Write Great Fiction: Plot & Structure, you'll discover the answers to these questions and more. Award-winning author James Scott Bell offers clear, concise information that will help you create a believable and memorable plot.“

2Bird by Bird: Instructions on Writing and Life – Anne Lamott

“Bird by Bird is the bible of writing guides - a wry, honest, down-to-earth book that has never stopped selling since it was first published in the United States in the 1990s. Bestselling novelist and memoirist Anne Lamott distils what she's learned over years of trial and error. Beautifully written, wise and immensely helpful, this is the book for all serious writers and writers-to-be.”

3. The Elements of Style – William Strunk Jr and EB White

 “You know the authors' names. You recognize the title. You've probably used this book yourself. This is The Elements of Style, the classic style manual, now in a fourth edition. The revisions to the new edition are purposely kept minimal in order to retain the book's unique tone, wit, and charm. A new Glossary of the grammatical terms used in the book provides a convenient reference for readers.”

4. The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative – Steven Pressfield

“Bestselling novelist Steven Pressfield identifies the enemy that every one of us must face, outlines a battle plan to conquer this internal foe, then pinpoints just how to achieve the greatest success.

The War of Art emphasizes the resolve needed to recognize and overcome the obstacles of ambition and then effectively shows how to reach the highest level of creative discipline. Think of it as tough love . . . for yourself. Whether an artist, writer or business person, this simple, personal, and no-nonsense book will inspire you to seize the potential of your life.”

5. Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within Paperback – Natalie Goldberg 

“This new edition, which marks almost twenty years since the original book's publication, includes a new preface in which Goldberg expresses her trademark enthusiasm for writing practice, as well as a depth of appreciation for the process that has come with time and experience. Also included is an interview with the author in which she reflects on the relationship between Zen sitting practice and writing, the importance of place, and the power of memory.”

Have you read any of these books? We’d love to hear from you if you have, please get in touch and let us know which book was your favourite.

We’d love to know if you’ve got any book recommendations, get in touch with us by using the form below.

Laura Stroud

Laura Stroud is a writer. Working across non-fiction through her travel and lifestyle blog, Laura is the Chief Storyteller at - storiesfromabackpack.com, where she writes for an audience of fellow storytellers who want to live a life of adventure. Laura has written multiple non-fiction books and teaches creative writing courses at Derbyshire Writing School. 


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